How to Make A Zip File
100% Free, one-stop compress ZIP file online and UNZIP solution.

What is a zip file?

What is OnlineZIP?

How to Use OnlineZIP?


For the security of user files, the online ZIP compressor application uses browser compression, which can complete ZIP compression without uploading any files. By selecting files to zip, you agree to our Terms of Service.

How to Make A Zip File

Ready to compress your files?
Simply drag and drop your files onto the designated area or click the 'Upload' button to select them from your device. Your files can be images, videos, documents, or even a mix of different file types.
Once you've added your files, click the 'Export ZIP' button to begin the ZIP compression process. Your files will be compressed and saved as a ZIP file, which you can then download or share as needed.
Get started now and experience the ease of file compression!

Tip: If you need to select multiple files, please hold down Ctrl or ⌘Command, and then click the files.
Create Directory

Export Zip File

Extract File

Rename Entry

Reset Filesystem

Please Confirm The Reset Of The Filesystem.


Please Confirm The Deletion Of The Highlighted Entries.s



A Zip File Has Been Selected, Please Choose The Proper Action.

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